Author's Note: I just recently discovered the new Dollenganger movies, and especially the first one has become a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. And then I stumbled across this haunting song using Neil Gaiman's Dark Sonnet, which was just so perfect.
Music: Dark Sonnet, by Lorraine A'Malena
Download (.mp4 in .zip, 155mb) or stream (on YT, with captions).
Lyrics: Dark Sonnet, by Neil Gaiman
I don’t think that I’ve been in love as such
Although I liked a few folk pretty well
Love must be vaster than my smiles or touch
For brave men died and empires rose and fell
For love, girls follow boys to foreign lands
And men have followed women into hell
In plays and poems someone understands
There’s something makes us more than blood and bone
And more than biological demands
For me love’s like the wind unseen, unknown
I see the trees are bending where it’s been
I know that it leaves wreckage where it’s blown
I really don’t know what I love you means
I think it means don’t leave me here alone
-I love you, Christopher-doll.
-Love you, too.
-I'm coming with you.
-I know what we did was wrong, but I don't care.
-I want to feel this way about you.
-All I ever wanted was you.
-I just wish to god you weren't so... close.
-I don't know if I can ever love anyone else.
-I'm only holding you back from the life you deserve.
-Oh my god, Chris - Mother!
-I love you with all my heart.
-This family means everything to me.