Second Date

This entry is part [part not set] of 42 in the series Shadowhunter AUs

Author's Note: A 300 word drabble about alternate!Jalec after ours left... Follows First Date.


"Where the hell..." Jace looked around in confusion, taking in the bookshelves, the occult paraphernalia and the two cats taking up the spacious loft they were in.

His eyes found Alec, who looked similarly dumbfounded but offered, "This is Magnus' place - Jace, why are we here?"

Jace tried to remember, but the last clear memory he had was... Alec. Jace had made love with Alec, one of his oldest friends, a guy, yet what this might say about his sexuality bothered him less than that he was calling it making love. Jace had fucked plenty of people, but Alec... The blush on Alec's cheeks told him he'd been thinking of the same thing, and impulsively Jace reached out, finding Alec's hand warm and firm, anchoring him.

"Oh. I thought that was them." Magnus Bane had entered unnoticed and was looking pointedly at their clasped hands.

Without letting go Alec asked, "Them? Magnus, what is going on?"

The explanation that followed made Jace's head hurt, and he wouldn't have believed a word if Magnus hadn't done actual fricking magic in the way of proof. Alec's grip on his hand, which got tighter and tighter during Magnus' narration, was the only thing that made sense, and the only thing that mattered in the end.

"You know what?" Jace turned to Alec, who was regarding him uncertainly. "I don't care how it happened." He reached up and smoothed away the lines of worry creasing Alec's forehead. "And I don't regret it, Alec. I don't!"

The smile on Alec's face warmed him all the way through, and then Alec kissed him, and Jace melted. This was where he belonged, in Alec's arms, and he only hoped those other versions of them were half as happy as he was.

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