Author's Note: New fandom! I actually only started watching this show because the concept of parabatai intrigues me so much and Alec is my precious cinnamon roll. 🙂 This isn't a shippy vid per se, but I so very much do ship them. Soul bonds, best friends and brothers in arms, forbidden love - how can I resist? *g*
Music: Destiny, by Ninja Tracks (edited by me); excerpt from the parabatai oath from the audiobook for "Clockwork Prince" by Cassandra Clare
Download: .mp4 + .srt (126mb, .zip)
I trust you, parabatai.
Don't ever doubt me.
We're parabatai.
There's no human bond that compares to what Alec and I have.
We're bound together for life.
Bound to fight together.
To protect each other.
Jace: No!
Alec: Go!
Jace: In battle, our hearts beat as one.
Clary: It must be hard, being in love with Jace when he's straight.
Alec: No!
I love you, too, Alec.
You betrayed me.
You lied to me.
You attacked me when I was doing what we should have been doing together.
If one of us were to die, part of the other would die inside as well.
Do it!
I don't wanna be alive if we're on different sides, Alec!
He's closer than blood.
If you kill him, you're killing part of me.
Parabatai oath:
Whither thou goest, I will go.
Where thou diest, will I die,
And there will I be buried.
The Angel do so to me,
And more also,
If aught but death part thee and me.