Note: For the postcoital challenge. Just a fluffy drabble, written in the euphoria of listening to NEW BSB material. My inner fangirl rejoices. Also, for bachelor_girl. Because I think she might enjoy this. 🙂
"Scoot over!" Nick demanded, returning with a wet cloth from the bathroom. Howie just grinned up at him, comfortably installed in the middle of the bed. "Howard Dwaine! I get up, from the utter goodness of my heart - and find that the smaller half of this couple has annexed my bed. Shame on you!"
Howie seemed undisturbed. "You've been spending too much time with Kevin, Nicky - you lecture almost as good as he does. Unfortunately, I'm immune."
"You're going down, D!" Throwing the washcloth right into Howie's grinning face, Nick jumped onto the mattress. Cuddle time was cancelled for today!