Fanvid: A Sacred Band

This entry is part [part not set] of 5 in the series Theban Band

Author's Note: A Jalec AU vid loosely based on my Theban Band 'verse, where eros between parabatai is not only allowed but even encouraged.


Music: Season of Love, by Shiny Toy Guns (edited by me, original version here)

Download: .zip (.mp4 + .srt, 227mb)

J: I'm Jace.
A: Alec.

Clary: This whole parabatai thing seems oddly intimate if you ask me.

Isabelle: You don't know the half of it.

Voiceover: Do you remember Achilles, the hero of Troy? - He loved Patroclus.

A: I will be your parabatai.

J: There's no human bond that compares to what Alec and I have.
We're bound together for life.

Maryse: I was so proud.

J: We make a great team.

A: The best team.

J: We fight together.

Robert: Among the bravest, the best of the Shadowhunters.

Aldertree: You're hereby sentenced to the City of Bones to await trial for the charge of high treason and aiding Valentine in the war against the Clave.

Clary: Alec! What are you doing? You're scaring me!

A: I can't live without him.

J: If one of us were to die...
You can kill me.
Just please, let me get to him first.
I love you, Alec.

A: I love you, too.

Aldertree: The Clave in their wisdom has exonerated him from all crimes.

A: Will you marry me?

Maryse: You've made me so proud.

J: Alright, you ready for this?

A: As ready as I'll ever be.
I'm glad you're here with me.

J: Wouldn't be anywhere else.
If aught but death...

A: ...part thee and me.

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