Fanvid: Carry You

Author's Note: My attempt to convey in vid form how much the gorgeous parabatai content of 3a touched me. Song choice voted for by my Tumblr followers. 🙂

I'm not entirely happy with it, but I've been tinkering with this for months and had to get it out or I might have ended up deleting the whole thing...


Music: Carry You, by Ruelle ft. Fleurie (edited by me, full length here)

Download: .zip (124mb, .mp4 + .srt)

Alec: Jace.
Something's been off with you ever since we got back from Idris.

A: We're parabatai, I know when you're lying.
Jace: I'm not lying to you, Alec.

J: I think I'm losing my mind.

Jonathan: It's exhausting, always being one step behind.

A: I'll be by your side the whole time.

A: He needs me.

A: Don't ever doubt me.

A: I have to do this.

A: I've got you.

J: No.
No, don't take them away, too!

J: She's gonna make me do worse.

J: Please, Alec.

A: No.
J: Do this for me, Alec, please.
A: Never.

A: I promise.

A: You're coming with us.

J: Alec.

A: It wasn't you.

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