Fanvid: If This Is Dying

Author's Note: For Morgan, for the Jalec Gift Exchange 2017. I hope it turned out the way you imagined, darling...


Music: If This Is Dying, by Michael Nyman (Carrington OST)

Download: .zip (.mp4 + .srt, 117mb)

Alec: Jace is a part of me.
Through our rune we're both physically and emotionally connected.

A: Something is wrong with Jace.

A: If he dies, a part of me dies, too.

A: Jace!

Jace: Alec!

J: We're bound together for life.
There's no human bond that compares to what Alec and I have.

J: Alec!

J: I have to get to Alec!

J: You can kill me
just please, let me get to him first.

A: He needs me.
And I can't...
I can't live without him.

J: Please don't leave me, Alec.

J: We make a great team!

A: The best team.

J: In battle, our hearts beat as one.

Clary: This whole parabatai thing seems oddly intimate if you ask me.

Isabelle: You don't know the half of it.

J: I'm always gonna be here for you.

A: Don't ever doubt me.

A: He's dead.

A: How?

J: Bringing people back...
there's always a consequence.

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