Fanvid: The Other Side

Author's Note: For the girls in JalecSquad, who I promised this vid to way back when the song was released. But I'm glad I managed to hold out for the season 2 finale.


Music: The Other Side, by Ruelle (edited by me, full length on Youtube)

Download: .zip (.mp4 + .srt, 202mb)

Jace: I'm Jace.

Alec: Alec.

A: I need him.

A: He needs me.

J: If you're staying, I'm staying.

J: We fight together.

A: Jace is a part of me.

J: There's no human bond that compares to what Alec and I have.

A: He's closer than blood, he's my parabatai.

J: Please don't leave me, Alec.

J: You love me, so?

J: I love you, too, Alec.

A: Jace!

J: Alec!

A: He's dead.

A: I can't live without him.

J: Alec and I - we can't be broken.

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