Fanvid: Till the End of the Line

Author's Note: Inspired by my Do you remember me? gif set.


Music Till My Heart Stops, by Too Far Moon (edited by me, full length here)

Download: .zip (.mp4 + .srt, 143mb)

Jace: I'm Jace.

Alec: Alec.

Narrator: Best friends since childhood.

J: We make a great team!

A: The best team.

Narrator: Inseparable, on both schoolyard and battlefield.

J: You love me, so?
I love you, too, Alec.

A: Jace!

J: If aught but death part thee and me.

A: He's dead.

Clary: Alec.

C: I've looked everywhere; I couldn't find him.

A: The ground has shifted, and I can't keep my balance.

A: If you kill him, you kill a part of me.

A: I can't live without him.

Lilit: I'm here now.

L: Together we will usher in a new dawn.

J: I don't know who I am anymore.

Valentine: The perfect weapon.

A: Jace!
I thought you were dead!

J: How can I not know who you are?

A: Parabatai.

J: Alec!

J: I just wanna make sure I'm not dreaming.

A: I love you.

End Note: Once again iMovie messed up the audio - I tried and tried but couldn't get the beginning to stop crackling. Ugh! If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know.

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