Fanvid: You Are My Sunshine

Author's Note: I couldn't help myself, season 3a is still giving me ALL the feels that needed expressing...


Music: You Are My Sunshine, by Johnny Cash (edited by me, full length here)

Download: .zip (61mb, .mp4 + .srt)

Alec: Jace is trapped in his own personal hell.

A: We free Jace.

A: I have to do this.

Jace: You and your undying love for your parabatai.

A: If aught but death part thee and me.

J: Who do you think he'd pick?

A: If I don't get Jace back, I...
Without him, I'm...
I'm nothing.

J: Please, Alec!

A: I have to kill Jace.

A: I can't live without him.

A: He's closer than blood, he's my parabatai.

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